Wednesday, January 16, 2008

#18 Web-based apps

Well, I keep learning in this. I had never heard of Zoho and now there are endless possibilities. All signed up and ready to go................

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

What does the PB stand for? Immaterial now, I have inserted my blog where requested and done a bit more reading and exploring.

#16 Wikis

It was good to allow myself time to read some of these, particularly the two of Ref Desk manuals as a Wiki. Might be worth considering.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

Yes it is all changing. I have been thinking about this in terms of the Reference Collection. We have a "hybrid" collection of books and online databases. How might Web 2.0 tools enlarge or expand our collection/services?

# 14 Technorati

There is so much stuff there! It was interesting to explore Web 2.0 on it. I found reference to a Librarian in the U.S. who was the first to use a LibraryThing plug-in to a library catalogue. Suddenly I am thinking differently!

# 13 Tagging and

Tagging turned out to be easy after all (thanks Fiona). I can see how this might complement Weblinks, or we might use it for our different team activities.