Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The cats rule the house

Lilah is the female champagne burmese cat. Small, sleek and very vocal - we know when she is coming and she leads us into the room with the couch in the sun because she wants a "sit-down" cuddle.
Roger is the male champagne burmese cat. Larger and fluffier, definitely very handsome and much adored in a house of 3 females and one male. He is very generous with his loud and steady purring.
They are constant entertainment and company. Lilah is a "natural" soccer player with the ping-pong ball. Roger has "altitude sickness" and likes to leap to the top of the highest cupboards in a single bound, lie down, roll almost over the edge, and remain there, purring loudly.
The best sight is to watch them racing across the lawn and up the largest tree together, then to realise they are running away from the wattle bird which is guarding her nest from the frisky felines